Understanding Sustainable Development and Its Importance in the Modern World

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Joined: Sun Mar 24, 2024 7:31 am

Increasingly popular these days, sustainability and sustainable development are often discussed together. In this introductory article, we will start with a simple explanation and then delve into more professional aspects into the coming articles.

What is Sustainable Development?
Sustainable development is defined in the "World Commission on Environmental Development" report, also known as the "Brundtland Report" of 1987, as:
“Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
This was the first time a commission considered environmental concerns from economic, social, and political perspectives, rather than solely from a scientific viewpoint.

Although the concept of sustainable development is not new, its use has been relatively limited in the modern world. However, it is now gaining momentum, and many companies publish sustainability report cards. These reports typically evaluate the impact of their actions in terms of carbon emissions.


Understanding Sustainability
Before discussing why carbon is used as a sustainability metric, we need to understand sustainability itself. The origin of sustainability can also be traced back to the Brundtland Report. It is a holistic approach that refers to the ability to maintain activities over the long term without depleting resources or causing harm to the environment. Sustainability encompasses environmental, social, and economic aspects, often referred to as the three pillars of sustainability.

Sustainable Development vs. Sustainability
Sustainable development is a development-based approach, while sustainability is policy-oriented. Both aim to protect resources for future generations. However, sustainable development focuses on immediate action, whereas sustainability looks at the long-term impact of resource use.

Why is Carbon Used as a Sustainability Metric?
Carbon is a critical metric in sustainability reports because it serves as a key indicator of greenhouse gas emissions, significantly contributing to climate change. Carbon dioxide (CO₂) is one of the most prevalent greenhouse gases with a well-established global warming potential, making it a useful benchmark for comparing the impact of various gases. Using carbon emissions as a standardized unit of measurement allows for comparability across industries and sectors, facilitating benchmarking and tracking improvements over time. Regulatory frameworks and international agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, mandate the reporting and reduction of carbon emissions, underscoring its importance.

Importance of Sustainable Development in Today's World
Sustainable development is crucial for several reasons:
Environmental Protection: It ensures the long-term health of the planet by balancing environmental protection, economic growth, and social equity.
Resource Preservation: Helps preserve natural resources, reduces pollution, and mitigates climate change, ensuring that future generations can meet their needs.
Economic Stability: Promotes economic stability by encouraging efficient resource use and creating new job opportunities.
Social Equity: Addresses social inequalities and improves quality of life.
Global Resilience: Fosters resilience against global challenges and reflects our ethical responsibility to care for the planet and its inhabitants.

In the coming weeks, I will share more information related to sustainable development and sustainability. I will also examine the sustainability reports published by major companies.
Sustainability Reports from Major Smartphone Manufacturers.

Apple: Apple Environmental Progress Report 2023
Samsung: Samsung Electronics Sustainability Report 2023
Honor: Honor ESG Report
Nothing: Nothing 2023 Sustainability Report

See you all next week. Cheers.
I am Prashant. A passionate advocate for sustainable development, specializing in the creation of sustainable value chains in MSMEs. Enjoys exploring new topics related to sustainability.
Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2024 4:52 pm

Good message. Let's save our green Earth 🌎 
Joined: Sun Mar 24, 2024 7:31 am

Definitely. One step at a time will be enough.
I am Prashant. A passionate advocate for sustainable development, specializing in the creation of sustainable value chains in MSMEs. Enjoys exploring new topics related to sustainability.
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