Did You Know? Facts #17

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Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2023 11:22 am

ImageHello HONOR Fam! 
Did You Know? 
The First Computer Mouse Was Made Of Wood!   
Invented by Douglas Engelbart in 1964, the early mouse wasn't sleek plastic, but a block of wood with wheels! 

1. The Birth of the Mouse:
  • Inventor: Douglas Engelbart, a visionary engineer, created the first computer mouse while working at the Stanford Research Institute.
  • Year: The mouse was made in 1964, marking an important step in how people interact with computers. 
2. Design and Construction:
  • Material: Unlike today's plastic mice, the first mouse was made from wood.
  • Shape: It was a simple rectangular block, designed to fit in your hand.
  • Mechanism: The mouse had two metal wheels on the bottom, which moved in different directions to detect movement.​​​​​​
3. Functionality and Use:
  • Purpose: Engelbart's mouse was designed to help navigate and interact with early computer screens.
  • Prototype: The wooden mouse had one button and was connected to the computer with a wire, allowing users to move a cursor on the screen.
​​​​​​4. Impact on Computing:
  • Revolutionary: The mouse made using computers much easier and more efficient compared to typing commands.
  • Demonstration: Engelbart showed the mouse's capabilities in a famous demonstration in 1968, where he used it for tasks like text editing and linking documents. 
5. Evolution and Modern Day:
  • Advancements: Over the years, the mouse has evolved from a wooden block to the sleek, ergonomic designs we see today. New features like multiple buttons, scroll wheels, and wireless technology have been added.
  • Ubiquity: The computer mouse has become a crucial tool for using computers, found in homes and offices everywhere.
Douglas Engelbart's invention of the wooden computer mouse in 1964 changed the way we use technology. This simple wooden block with wheels laid the groundwork for the advanced mice we use today, making it a key moment in computing history.​​​
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Aarya Bhavsar
Joined: Sat Dec 09, 2023 1:14 pm

That's an interesting fact!
Sudhanshu Roy
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Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2023 10:57 am

already knew it 😁😁
Sachin Saini
Joined: Mon Dec 04, 2023 11:12 am

Intersting Facts 😍
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Sachin Saini 
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