WhatsApp Gets Super Sticky! Pin Up to 3 Messages Now!

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Navraj rathore
Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2024 3:27 pm

Hey friends, I have brought a big news for you, don't skip.
WhatsApp Gets Super Sticky! Pin Up to 3 Messages Now!

Hey everyone! Ever wished you could remember important info in a chat without scrolling forever? Well, fret no more! WhatsApp just upped the pin game, allowing you to pin 3 messages per chat!
What does this mean?
Imagine those crucial details, like meeting addresses or birthday party plans, getting lost in the chat history. Now, you can pin them to the top of the chat, keeping them easily accessible for you and everyone in the conversation.
Here's the scoop on pinning:
  • Pin up to 3 messages in any individual or group chat.
  • Choose how long the message stays pinned - 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days.
  • Pinned messages appear as a banner at the top of the chat for easy reference.
How to Pin a Message:
  1. Tap and hold the message you want to pin.
  2. Select "Pin" from the menu that pops up.
  3. Choose the desired pin duration.
Ready to get pinning? Let us know in the comments below what kind of messages you'll be pinning first! 
#WhatsApp #PinningMagic #StayOrganized
P.S. Don't forget to share this awesome news with your fellow magic nation members! ✨
Navraj Rathore
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Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2023 10:57 am

Great news 😄
Joined: Sat Dec 09, 2023 1:14 pm

Thanks for sharing, Navraj!
Sudhanshu Roy
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