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Meet Iris: India's First AI Teacher Robot Revolutionizing Education

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:05 pm
by cmriidul
Hey, honor Fans!   We hope you're doing well and enjoying yourself in the honor Community. A school in Kerala has introduced Iris, India's first artificial intelligence teaching robot.Created in partnership with Makerlabs Edutech, Iris aims to transform education by offering personalized learning experiencesto students. He was posted at KTCT High School in Thiruvananthapuram. Iris is to redefine traditional teaching methods.

Developed under NITI Aayog's Atal Tinkering Lab (ATL) projet, Iris boasts a host of features desiged to revolutionize education. Powered by an Intel chipset, the Iris features a built-in voice assistant and works through an Androd app interface. Thanks to mobility wheels, Iris can understand and comunicate in different languages while solving complex problems in different subjects.   Makerlabs Edutech introduced Iris through an engaging Instagram video showcasing its potential to break down boundaries in education. The video highlighted Iris interacting with students in the classroom and portrays her as a close companion to the students at KTCT Higher Secondary School.

This innovation is in line with the vision of technology leaders such as Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, who predict that artificial intelligence will revolutionize the education sector. Gates believes AI-powered chatbots will adapt content based on users' learning styles, boosting engagement and understanding.   Iris represents a significant leap in the use of artificial intelligence to enhance the learning experience. By adapting to individual student needs and preferences, Iris enables educators to deliver engaging lessons like never before. This progress hints at a future where artificial intelligence transforms education to make learning more accessible and fun for students around the world.   Do Comment on your opinion about India's First AI Teacher robot.     Subho [Honor COmmunity]