Smartphone Vs Pro Camera

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Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2024 7:58 am

Hello Explorers, 

 Have you ever tried to mimic a professional camera shots using your smartphones? We all expect the smartphone camera to act or perform like a proper professional camera.
Stupid Thought 
It's like painting stripes on donkey and calling it a zebra. The output from a smartphone camera will have its own weaknesses. That's why people are not satisfied with their mobile shots.The first thing to remember while shooting with a smartphone is that, you have a mobile phone, not an expensive professional camera gear. We have to understand the strengths of our smartphone inorder to bring out it's full potential.


 Smartphones have something which the professional cameras doesn't have. "The software Processing". It is a double edged sword. It's right use will be when we understand our smartphone's strengths so that we don't have to copy or try being something else.


 A smartphone camera sensor is not even close to a professional Camera's. But the software processing leads to better output from a smartphone camera compared to a Pro camera. Not forgetting the fact that the pro cameras have better sensor and everything. It just the fact that inorder to bring out it's full potential we need to go through atleast 2-3 post processing softwares or apps, several app crashes and lots of caffeine. 


 As I mentioned earlier the software processing on smartphone is a double edged sword. Sometimes it can lead to over sharpening or over smoothening.

Some points to remember while shooting with a smartphone 
  • Stick to more stationary shots or less movements, so that the jitter caused by unnecessary movements can be avoided.
  • Avoid shooting indoor lighting 
  • Avoid intense colour grading.

You will get unique angles which a Pro camera can't get, like pov shots without any expensive gears or inside a refrigerator etc. Another advantage is that if you're serious about photography and filim making, the accessories for a Pro camera will make you sell one of your kidney. But the smartphone camera accessories like lenses and filters will cause only a fraction of amount compared to pro cameras lenses and filters. Just think why the smartphone is called a mobile device. Mobile = compatible, that is easy to carry everywhere. 

But always remember to treat your smartphones as smartphones, not like a pro camera and use as it meant to be used. 

Signing off.
Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2024 4:52 pm

Thanks for the comparison thread 
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