Security: A Relative and Subjective Concept

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Joined: Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:54 am

A catchphrase that is used by businesses all over the world to sell goods and generate revenue, but have you ever attempted to define security precisely or to find out what it means from the company whose products you rely on?Image

Security is an eight-letter word that is crucial to maintaining A-Z reliability. Some people define security as having CCTV at key locations and others as having a big, burly man at the gate. There are many different ways to stay secure when using a smartphone. Some examples include using a six-digit passcode or pattern lock, installing antivirus software the old-fashioned way, creating a secure environment when interacting with the outside world, and conducting any kind of transaction.

Please share your thoughts about security on your smartphone in the comments section so that we can reach an agreement on what constitutes security.

Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2023 10:54 am

Security is more than just a word, it is a feeling of trust and confidence that our data and privacy are protected. I think security on smartphones depends on both the users and the providers. Users should be careful about what they download, share, and access on their devices, and use strong passwords and encryption. Providers should offer regular updates, patches, and support to ensure their products are secure and reliable. Security is a shared responsibility that requires constant vigilance and cooperation.
Signing off!
Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2023 11:22 am

Smartphone security require a combination of measures like passcodes, antivirus and cautious online behavior to safeguard personal information effectively.
Joined: Fri Feb 02, 2024 10:17 pm

Feeling secure on my phone is, well, personal! I obsess over things like app permissions, data encryption, and secure browsing. Remember when privacy indicators weren't a thing? Now, seeing that little light flash when an app tries to sneakily access my camera or mic? Priceless! It might seem small, but it makes a world of difference. It's these small, smart security features, constantly getting better and faster, that truly empower us to feel safe and protected in the digital world 🙌
Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2024 12:34 am

Ensuring security is paramount, shared responsibility lies with both users and providers.Regular security updates, including monthly patches, are imperative to safeguard against compromises to data or security breaches.Users should prioritize downloading apps, files, and data from Trusted & Secure sources.Users should also be cautious while granting app permissions, only providing necessary access for functionality to mitigate potential breaches of their data.
Joined: Sun Jan 28, 2024 6:06 pm

Security often less spoken about in general by companies is quite important and for me it is protection from unauthorized access, misuse, or disclosure of any kind while I'm in the digital world.
See Ya!
Joined: Sat Dec 09, 2023 1:14 pm

A simple meaning of security is being secure and safe. It's a state of being worry-free. If I talk about security on my smartphone, then it should be on different levels. From my highly secure screen lock to the device's internal security and most importantly Data security by brands and service providers. We use different types of screen locks to protect our phones and the data inside them from unauthorized access, keep a check on downloads from external sources, and keep a check on app permissions, in fact that green dot on camera and mic access feature by Android is highly appreciable and make us feel more secure. The brand also pushes timely security updates to ensure the product's security and reliability. But there is one point where we always have doubts and questions, and that is the data collected by any apps and service providers, because we don't have access to the data they are grabbing and storing. We use several apps and services on our smartphones, and all of them collect our data based on their functionality, Even smartphone brands collect different types of data based on their different types of experience and improvement programs and we don't know what data they are collecting, where they are storing and how safe it is? This area still needs partiality to make users more safe and secure.
Sudhanshu Roy
Content, Community
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Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2024 4:52 pm

Thnks for the informative thred.
Joined: Mon Dec 04, 2023 11:07 am

A very informative topic indeed! Security is something that can never be compromised on and will always have top priority in electronic devices. Coming to smartphones, security can be in the form of Passcodes, fingerprint, app lock so that even if your phone is unlocked, no one can access important and private information. 
Joined: Wed Feb 21, 2024 4:39 pm

Lovely Share bro😍🔥👌
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