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Start Shooting In RAW

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2024 12:46 pm
by ramdasphotography
Hello Friends,If your mobile camera doesn't support RAW shooting, don't worry—I've got a simple solution for you.

All you need is the Lightroom Mobile app, which makes it easy to shoot RAW even if your phone’s native camera doesn’t have the option. Here’s how to do it: 

1. Download Lightroom Mobile from your app store.

2. Once installed, open the app and go to the edit section. 

3. In the lower-right corner, you'll see a camera icon. Tap on it.

4. The Lightroom camera will open and at the top center, you'll notice the option to choose between DNG or JPEG. DNG is the RAW format and selecting this means you’ll be shooting in RAW. 
Keep in mind, RAW files (DNG) are much larger in size, but they allow you to fully utilize the capabilities of your phone’s sensor. The level of detail you can capture and manipulate afterward will be remarkable.

5. On the bottom left corner, you can also select the shooting mode—Auto or Pro. Pro gives you full control over settings like ISO, shutter speed and focus, allowing you to push your phone’s limits and unlock its full potential. 


By shooting RAW, you’ll gain an extra level of detail and dynamic range, giving you more freedom in post-processing. Go ahead, give it a try and get ready to see those detailed shots shine. 

Thank me later! 😉