Did you know? Facts #64

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Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2024 4:56 pm


Hello Explorers 

Hope you guys are doing well. 
Did you know
The first digital camera was invented in 1975 by Steven Sasson, an engineer at Kodak.


The invention of the digital camera revolutionized photography by allowing pictures to be captured electronically rather than using film. This success opened the way for modern digital cameras found in smartphones, DSLRs and mirrorless.
What is a Digital Camera
In simple words, a digital camera captures images with an electronic image sensor instead of film. The sensor turns light into electronic signals, which are then processed and saved as digital data in formats like as JPEG or RAW.

Steven Sasson with his innovation
More Information
  • Steven Sasson was born in 1950 and worked as an electrical engineer at Kodak.
  • In 1975, he was assigned to build a new type of camera that used a CCD (charge-coupled device) to capture images.
  • The first digital camera he developed weighed 8 pounds and recorded black & white photos with a resolution of just 0.01 megapixels.
  • It took 23 seconds to capture and store each image on a cassette tape.
  • The prototype displayed the photos on a TV screen, as there was no other way to view the digital images.
  • Even after Sasson's invention, Kodak was a slow adopter of digital technology, so they missed out on the rise in popularity of digital cameras.
  • The first consumer digital cameras arrived in the late 1980s, revolutionizing photography for decades.
Next time you take a photo on your smartphone, remember it all began with Sasson’s groundbreaking invention at Kodak. 

Thank you for reading
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Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2024 11:31 am

Informative post 😮
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Adios Amigos 👋🏻
Arijit Mukherjee

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Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2023 10:45 am

Thanks for sharing intresting facts 👍 
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