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Sunday Supper Sessions: The Tale of Mutton Rogan Josh – A Dish That Spices Up Sundays

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2024 9:15 am
by NightFallX
Welcome back to Sunday Supper Sessions, where we believe that Sundays should be all about good food, great naps, and pretending that Monday doesn’t exist. Today, we’re diving into one of the most iconic dishes in Indian cuisine: Mutton Rogan Josh. This isn’t your average Sunday dinner—it’s a full-on flavor explosion that’ll transport you straight to the snow-capped valleys of Kashmir, where this dish was first made to warm the souls of anyone lucky enough to taste it.
So, get comfortable, because we’re about to take a trip through history, spice cabinets, and some mutton magic. And don’t worry if cooking’s not your thing—this dish will make you look like a pro with minimal effort. Grab your apron (or just order takeout and pretend you made it), and let’s get started!
 A Little History to Spice Things Up
Rogan Josh is one of those dishes that wears its history on its sleeve—or in this case, its spice rub. Brought to Kashmir by Persian invaders in the 15th century, this dish quickly became a staple in the royal courts. The name Rogan Josh literally translates to "red heat," which is a nod to its fiery red color and warming spices. But don’t worry—it’s not just heat for the sake of heat. The Kashmiri version uses a milder chili pepper called Kashmiri red chili, which gives the dish its signature hue without burning your taste buds to a crisp.
The dish became so popular that it transcended its royal origins, making its way into the homes of common folk and onto restaurant menus around the world. Today, you can find Mutton Rogan Josh served in fine dining establishments or being simmered lovingly in family kitchens. It's proof that some things never go out of style—especially when they’re this delicious.
 Time for the Main Recipe!
I know, I know—you came here for the food, not a history lesson. So, let’s get to the good stuff. Here’s how you can whip up a pot of Mutton Rogan Josh that’ll make your kitchen smell like heaven and your taste buds sing praises.
1. Step 1: The Meat of the Matter 
   Start with some high-quality mutton. Whether you prefer shoulder or leg, just make sure it’s fresh and tender. Season it with a little salt and keep it aside. Pro tip: Give the mutton a gentle massage like it's at a day spa—this step doesn’t really change anything, but it’ll make you feel fancy.
2. Step 2: Spice It Up 
   Heat a good glug of oil or ghee in a heavy-bottomed pot. Toss in whole spices like cinnamon sticks, green and black cardamom pods, cloves, and a bay leaf. This is the moment when your kitchen will start smelling like you hired a personal chef. Let those spices bloom in the oil for a minute or two.
3. Step 3: The Onion Tango 
   Next, add thinly sliced onions and sauté them until they turn golden brown. Now, when I say golden brown, I mean it. None of that “lightly browned” nonsense—let them caramelize properly. Then add ginger , garlic and tomato . This step gives your Rogan Josh its deep, rich flavor, so be patient. After all, good things come to those who sauté.
( If you want to try the original taste, do not add the tomato, ginger and garlic it may feel different but that is the original thing )
4. Step 4: Mutton Time 
   Once the onions are done, throw in your seasoned mutton pieces and brown them on all sides. Don’t rush this part. The goal here is to get a nice sear on the meat to lock in those juices. At this point, you might be tempted to eat a piece, but resist—there’s more deliciousness coming.
5. Step 5: Enter the Spices 
   Now it’s time for the heart of the dish: the spices. Add a mix of ground Kashmiri chili powder or add a root of a herb called as rattan jot (for that iconic red color), ground coriander, cumin, and a little fennel. Don’t forget a dash of asafetida( hing) for that authentic touch. Stir everything together and let the spices coat the meat like a warm, spicy blanket. Your kitchen should now smell like a magical spice bazaar.
( If you don’t like some the extra spices no need to sweat just set it side far off from the pot , and you are good to jump in to the next step)
6. Step 6: Yogurt Makes It Better 
   Lower the heat and add a generous spoonful of plain yogurt. The yogurt will give the dish a rich, creamy texture and balance out the heat from the chili powder. Stir constantly to avoid curdling—it’s like you’re making a silky gravy for your mutton.
7. Step 7: Slow and Steady Wins the Race 
   Pour in enough water to cover the mutton, bring it to a boil, then reduce the heat to low. Cover the pot and let the mutton simmer for about 1-2 hours, or until it’s tender enough to fall off the bone. This is the perfect time to relax, sip some chai, and think about how awesome you’re going to feel after you eat this masterpiece.
8. Step 8: The Grand Finale 
   After the mutton has cooked and the sauce has thickened, your Mutton Rogan Josh is ready to be unveiled. Garnish with some fresh coriander leaves, serve it with hot naan or steamed basmati rice, and prepare for the applause (even if it’s just from your own inner foodie).
That’s it for this week’s Sunday Supper Sessions! If this Mutton Rogan Josh doesn’t make you feel like royalty, then you must be doing something wrong (or maybe you didn’t let those onions brown enough—just saying). Whether you whipped it up yourself or got someone else to do it for you, this dish is a surefire way to spice up your Sunday dinner.
Don’t forget to follow Sunday Supper Sessions for more flavorful, easy-to-make recipes that’ll turn every Sunday into a feast. Join us next week for another round of culinary magic, because Sundays are meant for good food, great company, and naps that follow after too much eating. See you next time, hungry friends!

Re: Sunday Supper Sessions: The Tale of Mutton Rogan Josh – A Dish That Spices Up Sundays

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2024 9:29 am
by Arijit Mukherjee
Mutton curry is one of my favourite dish. Also the Mutton Kala Vuna & Rogan Josh 🤤

Re: Sunday Supper Sessions: The Tale of Mutton Rogan Josh – A Dish That Spices Up Sundays

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2024 2:47 pm
by RD.•°
Yummy 😋