AI is a Scam in the Society. Is it true or false? Impact of Ai in the Society.

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Joined: Sun Apr 21, 2024 12:45 pm


Hi HONOR Fans, 

I am here to share my opinions in Impact of Ai in our Society. Share your feedback after reading this post.

AI Feature was only available like in Ai Chat Assistants, GPT Language Models, Generative Ai, Self Driving Car, Photo Editing, and even in Deepfake Editing etc... in the society, which we knew before. But is now like that? Ofcourse not. It is now worse than before. 

Ai is now highlighted in everything and everywhere without any upgrades or new innovations. just used it as a term. It is like Ai is available in PC, AC, Washing Machine, Fridge, Shirt and Pant, and many more. This Ai term is used unnecessarily by the Marketing Team. 
Ai influence in Products.
If a company established and having a good growth, they would be promoting their products with the term AI. Promotion is not wrong. But naming it with "Ai" is meant to be wrong in my opinion

There's some example, not only one but there are many.

Like in Fridge, they promote it as, "There's a new Ai Feature in the fridge we implement, which helps to find out the products kept inside the fridge with an Ai Camera".

I felt this feature is like a myth. Why because, they claim that, "With the help of Ai, the fridge can recognize the items we kept inside the fridge." 


But the truth is that it is not that much worthy in our country, mainly for middle class life. They keep a camera inside the fridge and says that it is an Ai Camera, and it recognize everything in our Fridge. IMO, I felt it like useless and can't understand why they kept it.
A well developed company termed the Ai Camera Feature in the Fridge as "AI Vision Inside". In their terms and conditions of the feature, they mentioned it as, "AI Vision Inside can recognize 33 food items like Veggies and Fruits."


For the people staying in Abroad States like US, Utopian or Europian, etc... they just keep the items like Vegetables, Fruits, Soft Drinks, etc.. which can be considered for using the Ai feature for them.

But we, most of the people just keep the items like curry, foods, bottles, small items in small container boxes, etc... We don't know whether it can recognize our Indian Types of Veggies and Fruits we store. We may keep them in covers or boxes, then how it could recognize it? 
Washing Machines: 

In Washing Machines, they promote it as "Ai Fabric Detection", which detects and recognizes the type & weight of cloth material inside the washing machine, then optimize it and washes it with the help of different sensors. 


But I felt a doubt that how it could recognize the type of cloth material we put to wash? With what Ai, it finds the type of cloth? If a camera is placed in the Washing Machine, we can say that it uses Ai Feature, but how this? Still felt a myth and gimmick for me

Some Auto Modes are now named as Ai Auto Mode. Just the term Ai is added with it. There's nothing more here. 
Air Conditioners: 

Even in Air Conditioners, there's a feature as Auto Cooling. But, they now promote it as Ai Auto Cooling. Nothing is changed.


You can check their previous version of ACs, nothing has been changed in Auto Mode. Only the name has been changed to Ai Auto Cooling. Previously it was Smart AC. But now, it is "Ai AC"

If Ai is true, how the Ai works in these? Is there any dedicated Chip of Ai to be recognize and function? Is it working On-device or working through Internet? Nothing has been mentioned by many companies. Only mentioned "Ai". 
Amazon Store: 

In Amazon Shopping, they are having an Offline Store named "Amazon Go", which is termed as Automated Ai Machine Learning Programmed Store with Cameras & Sensors, which we take the products from their store and after leaving the store, the bill is generated and sent to the buyer and no cashier will be on that store. 

But the truth is that, it was found as not automated, and the bill was generated by Indian Workers and then sent to the buyers from Amazon Go, which came in many reports

In April 2024, Amazon employee Jenkins said that there are employees in India working on Just Walk Out Technology, but that the number is fewer than the 1,000 reported. He also said that humans are only flagged to spot check a transaction if the computer is unsure.The workers took on the role of remote cashiers to check what customers were leaving the store with, the Information reported. 

The buyers haven't thought about this and the bill will be generated slowly and sent to the customers. They haven't thought why they are getting delayed in the bill generating. If it is powered by Ai, it should recognize it as fast and send the bills to the buyer, but it didn't. 
MY Opinion: 
My opinion on the Ai Features, is that it is like a sensing feature. The Ai Feature is still in development, and needs more improvement. But the Companies are using the AI Feature as a marketing lead to promote and develop their company. 

"Ai or Artificial Intelligence" is as self thinking learning program to do tasks, take decisions or think on its own like humans do. 

Just sensing and finding the results from the IoT & Other Devices, is not an Ai Feature. It is a sensor fixed module to sense the actions and reflecting the results for it. We just misunderstood and compared Sensing & Automatic Actions made in the appliances are meant as AI Feature

I am not saying that AI Feature is totally a scam. But to know whether it is a scam or not for the society, and the Companies need to implement the AI Features not only in the Marketing Ideas, also to the Products too. Just think about it. 

So,  that's all for this small thread. Hope you get more understanding about the post I shared. 

Signing off. 
Joined: Mon Mar 25, 2024 2:18 pm

Your thoughts on AI's integration into everyday products are insightful. It’s clear that while AI has potential, its current usage in marketing often blurs the line between genuine innovation and mere buzzwords. 👌
Rahil Anwar
Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2023 11:22 am

If they Implement AI in proper way then it'll be great 👍🏻
Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2023 10:45 am

Thanks for sharing 🙏 
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Sachin Saini
Joined: Mon Dec 04, 2023 11:12 am

Tq for sharing this information ℹ️ 
Signing off ✨
Sachin Saini 
Magic Nation 
Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2023 10:41 am

Its not a good way for promoting companies using AI while AI is for shaping our future, not for scamming!
Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2024 6:28 pm

Sarfaraz Ahmad
Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2024 7:58 am

Informative one🤍 
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