Follow Every Photography Rules - MBM Episode 7

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Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2024 4:56 pm


Hello Explorers 
Hope you guys are doing well.

Welcome to another episode of Myth Busters Monday! In this weekly series, we explore popular myths and reveal the truth behind these popularly accepted beliefs.

When learning photography, beginners often come across many rules to help them take better pictures. Rules like the rule of thirds and leading lines can be very useful. However, there's a myth that you always have to follow these rules to take great photos.
The Purpose of Photography Rules
Photography rules exist to give structure, guide composition, and help photographers in understanding a scene.
Myth: You Must Always Follow Photography Rules
The belief that strict following of photography rules is required for amazing pictures is a myth. While helpful, these rules should not limit your creativity. True artistic expression sometimes requires understanding when and how to break these rules. 
Busting the Myth: Knowing When to Break the Rules
Once you've learned photography rules, you'll begin to understand when and how to effectively break them. Here's why breaking the standard rules can improve your photography:
  • Expressing Creativity: There is more room for creativity when the rules are broken. You can achieve a unique style that differentiates your work from others by doing it.
  • Capturing Emotion: Sometimes breaking composition rules allows you to better convey the raw emotion of a scene. Randomness and imperfections can give your images more depth and emotion.
  • Creating Drama: Ignoring standard composition can create drama in your photos, making them more attractive. Off-center subjects, unique angles, and unusual cropping can all help create a more interesting image.
  • Telling a story: Not all stories fit nicely into the rules of photography guidelines. By breaking limits, you can share your story more effectively and impactfully.
Practical Tips for Breaking the Rules
  • Learn First, Break Later: Before you start breaking the rules, be sure you understand them properly. This guarantees that your changes are intentional.
  • Experiment: Never be afraid to try new things. Experiment with angles, compositions, and lighting to see what best fits your vision.
  • Take Feedback: Share your rule-breaking pictures with other photographers and take feedback. Understanding how other people see your work can help you improve your approach.
  • Trust Your Instincts: Photography is an art form. Trust yourself and allow your personal vision to guide you.
Although photography rules give a solid basis, they are not permanent. Understanding when to break the rules can result in interesting and unique photographs. So go ahead—experiment, take risks, and let your artistic instincts shine.

Thank you 
Sachin Saini
Joined: Mon Dec 04, 2023 11:12 am

Useful information ℹ️ 
Signing off ✨
Sachin Saini 
Magic Nation 
Joined: Mon Mar 25, 2024 2:18 pm

Great insights on photography rules! I agree that while these guidelines are helpful, breaking them can often lead to more creative and impactful photos. Your tips on experimenting and trusting one's instincts are spot on. Thanks for sharing this valuable perspective! 📸✨
Rahil Anwar
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