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Likes on X (Twitter) are now private

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 8:45 am
by Syed_Nabi23
Hello Magic Nation fans!

 Big change on 𝕏 (formerly known as Twitter)! Likes on tweets are now private. You can like content without worrying about others seeing it.

 🤔 Why the change? This move aims to promote genuine engagement. Users can now freely like posts without public judgment or scrutiny.

🔒 Privacy boost! Your likes list is now for your eyes only. This gives users more control over their interactions and preferences.

 🧠 Psychological impact? This could reduce the pressure of conforming to popular opinions and allow for more authentic content discovery and appreciation.

 📈 Analytics unchanged! Though likes are private, the algorithm still uses them to personalize your feed and show you more relevant content.

 💬 What about creators? Content creators can still see the number of likes on their posts, helping them understand their audience’s preferences.

 📝 Your thoughts? How do you feel about this change? Will it affect how you engage on 𝕏? Share your opinions in the replies!

Re: Likes on X (Twitter) are now private

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:29 pm
by jaisharan2
thanks for sharing 🤝🤝

Re: Likes on X (Twitter) are now private

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2024 8:53 am
by Sachin Saini
Good information 💯