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Tech Roundtable VOL. #2 Ft. Gaming: Healthy, Harmful or Both ?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:41 am
by weird_pixel_
It all began during an intense session of BGMI, when my dad interrupted to question my gaming habits. He wondered if I was hooked, and I quickly said no. Then he challenged me: “What good does gaming do?” I was stumped but managed to say, “Well, I’ve learned to shoot and throw grenades.” After a brief, tense silence, he looked at me and declared, “Time to gear up for the military; I won’t let your skills go to waste.” 
That was quite the moment.😅
This encounter got me thinking, what really are the benefits of gaming? So, I spent the next few hours digging into the topic, and now, In this episode of Tech Roundtable I’m excited to share my discoveries with you.
Too Fake To Be True
Starting my discoveries with several myths surrounding gaming that have persisted over time. Here are a few common ones that have been debunked:
Myth #1: Video Games Lead to Real-Life Violence is a common belief. However, this isn’t backed by solid evidence. Research shows there’s no lasting connection between video games and actual violence. It turns out, any short-lived spikes in aggression might just be due to the excitement of the game, not the content.
Myth #2: Video Games Are as Addictive as Drugs because some folks do get caught up in gaming a bit too much, but it’s not fair to say games are like drugs.
Myth #3: Gamers Lack Social Lives This myth couldn’t be further from the truth. Many gamers enjoy rich social lives, connecting with friends both in the digital world and face-to-face. Gaming often brings people together, creating communities and friendships.
Myth #4: Gaming Isn’t a Real Career has come a long way, and today, it’s more than just a hobby. With the booming eSports scene, live streaming, and game creation, gaming offers real job opportunities for those with talent and a passion for it.
Gaming is Good for Health ?
ImageShort Answer is Yes, Lets Discover How.
  1. Boosting Well-being: Oxford researchers have found a sweet spot between gaming and happiness. It turns out, playing video games can actually make you feel good about yourself and connect with others.
  2. Sharper Mind: The experts at the American Psychological Association give gaming a thumbs-up for honing your brainpower. Games are like a workout for your mind, improving how you think, remember, and see the world.
  3. Learning on the Fast Track: Want to learn something new? Grab a controller. Gaming can speed up your learning curve and sharpen your focus.
  4. Master of Multitasking: According to Psychology Today, if you game, you’re likely getting better at juggling tasks and adapting to new challenges quickly.
  5. Eyes and Hands in Harmony: And if you’re looking to improve your hand-eye coordination, gaming might be your answer. It’s even said to help surgeons keep their skills sharp!
  6. Enhanced Problem-Solving: Gamers often face complex challenges and puzzles that require quick thinking and strategic planning. This can translate into real-world problem-solving skills.
  7. Stress Relief: Many people find that playing video games helps them unwind and relieve stress after a long day. The immersive worlds offer a break from reality and can be a form of digital therapy.
  8. Cultural Awareness: With the rise of global multiplayer games, players get to interact with diverse cultures and perspectives, which can increase cultural sensitivity and understanding.
  9. Improved Attention to Detail: Games that have complex environments or intricate storylines can sharpen a player’s attention to detail, helping them to notice more in games and in life.
Gaming is Bad for health ?
ImageGaming gets a bad rap sometimes, and it’s important to clarify that the act of playing games isn’t negative. It’s the side effects that come with gaming that can be concerning. These includes
  1. Vision Problems: Extended screen time can lead to eye strain and discomfort and eventually spectacles.
  2. Sleep Deprivation: Gaming for long hours can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to insufficient rest.
  3. Repetitive Stress Injuries: These occur from overusing the same set of muscles and tendons, leading to conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome, which causes pain and numbness in the wrist and hands.
  4. Obesity: Extended periods of inactivity and possible unhealthy snacking during gaming can contribute to weight gain and obesity.
  5. Dehydration: Gamers may neglect to stay hydrated, leading to dehydration, especially during long sessions without breaks.
  6. Poor Academic or Professional Performance: Excessive gaming can detract from time spent on studies or work, leading to decreased performance and productivity.
Games can indeed be an enjoyable and immersive form of entertainment. They have the potential to offer various benefits. Additionally, they can enhance hand-eye coordination and even foster social connections when played online with others.
However, the key to reaping these positive effects lies in moderation and maintaining a healthy balance with other life activities. Excessive gaming can lead to negative consequences. It’s important to integrate gaming as one aspect of a diverse lifestyle that includes physical exercise, social interaction, and other hobbies. Moderation is the operative word, ensuring that gaming remains a source of enjoyment without adverse effects on our overall well-being.

Finished reading? Awesome! Now it’s your turn to join the conversation below, kick off a lively discussion! Share your thoughts on the positive or negative impacts of gaming that I might have overlooked. Looking forward to your insights. See you in the comments! 👋

Re: Tech Roundtable VOL. #2 Ft. Gaming: Healthy, Harmful or Both ?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 1:24 am
by SudhanshuRoy
Generally, I don't play games, but considering the positive good for health points you mentioned above, ab start karna padega I think!😂

Re: Tech Roundtable VOL. #2 Ft. Gaming: Healthy, Harmful or Both ?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 8:17 am
by Shrivastvaravi
Ab to or game khelne padega 😂

Re: Tech Roundtable VOL. #2 Ft. Gaming: Healthy, Harmful or Both ?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 9:42 am
by AKBhavsar
Now all will start playing games 🤩🤩🤩

Re: Tech Roundtable VOL. #2 Ft. Gaming: Healthy, Harmful or Both ?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 10:32 am
by Tej Dave
The Myth #3 was on-point! Gaming indeed helps socialising with friends who are far away from you! Moreover, it also brings healthy communication and fun between them! 

PS: I knew these benefits, that's why I'm already into Gaming. 😂

Re: Tech Roundtable VOL. #2 Ft. Gaming: Healthy, Harmful or Both ?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 11:38 am
by Sachin Saini
Ab toh game hi game hogi her jagha 😀

Re: Tech Roundtable VOL. #2 Ft. Gaming: Healthy, Harmful or Both ?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:32 pm
by jaisharan2
Gaming in solely healthy for me 😎

Re: Tech Roundtable VOL. #2 Ft. Gaming: Healthy, Harmful or Both ?

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2024 11:02 am
by bhumisingh6682
Seriously one of the best game ever

Re: Tech Roundtable VOL. #2 Ft. Gaming: Healthy, Harmful or Both ?

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2024 12:54 pm
by bhumisingh6682
Hey, does anyone want to play with me, Now I'm going to start playing an Online Color Prediction game. I had fun in this game and also I had to earn from this you can check available on TC Lottery