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Did you know ? Facts #24

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2024 7:08 pm
by jyotinalui
Hey Explorers,

I hope you're all doing ok in this summer season and I know you're all trying to stay healthy. In today's world, there are tons of tech that will help you to guide towards a healthy diet as well as a healthy nutrition.  

But, as a matter of fact, there's a golden word which always our elders conveyed to us over a period of time that “ Health is wealth” and it's up to us, whether we should appreciate the health and try to become more healthier or be satisfied and do nothing. 
Did you know?
 Today's Gen Z generations and I know many of you will be able to relate with it which is in news I found that most of young generations are facing a multiple attacks on heart and chances of cholesterol are high among the young Gens compared to our previous Generation.

Why is it happening? What's the root cause of this? And how will you be able to differentiate what's good and bad cholesterol & overcome it? Let's discuss those and find out the answers … 

Firstly, let's see why is it happening? 

In today's world, I know heart attacks has increased. And there are multiple reasons to it. First and foremost reason is our diet. We as we know many of us work in office and during lunch time we tend towards fast foods which will take less time to consume so that we can be on time to our office meeting and work and secondly due to constant accumulation of stress. It releases hormones at an uncontrollable speed which leads to release of sebaceous glands which release oil not only from outside of our body but also from inside.

Coming to the 2nd Q, what's the root cause? 

Well, the root cause of this is the advance protein name “Lipoproteins”. 

Lipo proteins are mainly 3 types although there are some which are also included…
  • Chlyomicrons,
  • VLDL ( ver low density lipoprotein)
  • IDL( intermediate density lipoprotein)
  • HDL ( high density lipoprotein)
  • LDL ( low density lipoprotein) 
Coming to the 3rd section, How can we differentiate the good and bad Lipoproteins from our daily life? 


Well, the answer is mainly by looking at the ingredients of the foods and the process of making it. Generally the LDL ( low density lipoprotein) are the worst. The cholesterol which forms in our blood vessels and causes this heart attacks or arrhythmia.  Generally to make it simple for you guys , substances which have high Ghee substance like Vanaspati ghee tends to have more LDL ( Bad cholesterol)which will cause high cholesterol in your liver and that cholesterol is unbreakable as they are hydrophobic in nature . And they are generally transported by blood vessels or arteries and they cause blockage. 


The VLDL & Chylomicrons ( Bad) are the ones that transport TG to the liver . But the VLDL and chylomicrons also dangerous as in excess of it will cause plaque build-up in arteries as it itself contains high amount of TG. (Normal range 2- 30 mg/dl)
( TG normal level : <= 1500 mg/dl) 

On the other hand HDL are the (good cholesterol). They are ones that transport the excess cholesterol stored in different parts of your body back to the liver as triglycerides.   

So, while consuming food make sure you don't eat too much fries from burnt oil, which are common in street food shops which has high VLDL & LDL which will cause your health a fatal blow… 

That's it for today, I think this info is helpful for people who have cholesterol and those who want to take good care of their nutrition… And as always, Do take care of your health coz if "you're healthy, then only you're wealthy ".
