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Did You Know? Daily Facts #1

Posted: Wed May 01, 2024 11:52 pm
by SudhanshuRoy

Hey Explorers!
"A Cockroach Can Live for a Week Without Its Head!"
The basic requirements of a living being except for food and water are air for breathing, a circulatory system to circulate blood for different purposes, and a nervous system for control and coordination. When it comes to cockroach:
  • Decentralized Nervous System: Unlike humans and other organisms, cockroaches have a decentralized nervous system, which means it runs all over their bodies instead of centered in their heads. Only a small portion of the nervous system is in the head, while the rest is on the ventral (belly) side. The brain part only controls the antennae and compound eyes. That's why the absence of the head will not affect the rest of the body parts and allows them to continue basic functions even without a brain.
  • Circulatory system - They don't have a closed circulatory system like many other organisms. They have an open circulatory system and lack blood vessels and capillaries. 
  • Breathing - Like us and other organisms, they don't have noses or nostrils. They breathe through pores preset on their body segment. That's why cutting off the head will not affect breathing, as breathing is not dependent on the mouth or head.
  • Lack of Pain Perception: Since cockroaches don’t perceive pain the way humans do, losing their heads doesn’t cause immediate suffering. They continue their activities as if nothing happened.
Why do they die after a week?
They die because, without a mouth, they can't drink water and die due to thirst after a week.
That's all for today from my side. I hope you like this fact about Cockroach. Don't forget to share your feedback in the comment section. We will meet again in the next thread soon.
Thanks for taking your precious time to engage on this thread.
Signing Off

Re: Did You Know? Daily Facts #1

Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 9:47 am
by you_r_shubham
Intresting, really I didn't know.

Re: Did You Know? Daily Facts #1

Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 10:51 am
by Ishan Wankhade
Really Interesting 🤔 

Re: Did You Know? Daily Facts #1

Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 10:52 am
by jyotinalui
Wow, This is kina new for me too!! Thanks for this amazing fact

Re: Did You Know? Daily Facts #1

Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 2:19 pm
by AKBhavsar
That's Interesting