Paranormal Pathways: The Haunting of Myrtles Plantation—Ghosts of America’s Most Haunted Home

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Welcome back to Paranormal Pathways, where we journey through the eerie and unexplained. In our last post, we explored the chilling halls of Eastern State Penitentiary, but tonight, we take a step further into the dark heart of the South. Louisiana is known for its rich history, but hidden within its picturesque plantations and moss-draped trees are stories that will make your blood run cold.
Today, we turn our attention to Myrtles Plantation, a place where the past seems to refuse to rest. Known as one of America’s most haunted homes, Myrtles has been the site of gruesome deaths, tragic events, and ghostly encounters that have left visitors shaken for centuries. From vengeful spirits to lingering apparitions, this plantation holds secrets that even time cannot bury
Nestled in the quiet town of St. Francisville, Louisiana, Myrtles Plantation stands as a picturesque Southern estate. With its grand oak trees draped in Spanish moss and its charming antebellum architecture, it seems like a serene place from the outside. But for over two centuries, the plantation has been at the center of chilling ghost stories, violent deaths, and eerie sightings that have earned it a reputation as one of the most haunted locations in the United States.
The spirits of Myrtles Plantation are not just tales whispered among locals—numerous guests, historians, and even paranormal investigators have encountered the unexplained. From apparitions caught on camera to mysterious handprints and phantom footsteps, the Myrtles is a place where the line between the living and the dead seems to blur.

 A Dark History
Built in 1796 by General David Bradford, Myrtles Plantation has seen its fair share of tragedy. Originally named "Laurel Grove," the estate's bloody history began with rumors of murder and betrayal. Over the years, it has been the site of several mysterious deaths, many of which have left behind spirits that are said to haunt the grounds to this day.
One of the most enduring legends is that of Chloe, an enslaved woman who allegedly poisoned members of the plantation’s family. According to the story, Chloe was caught eavesdropping on the conversations of the plantation’s owner, Judge Clark Woodruff, and as punishment, her ear was cut off. To regain favor, Chloe is said to have baked a poisonous cake for Woodruff's wife and two daughters, killing them. Whether she intended to kill them or simply make them ill remains a mystery.
As retribution, the other enslaved people hanged Chloe, and her spirit is believed to haunt the plantation ever since. Visitors and residents alike have reported seeing her ghost wandering the grounds, often wearing a green turban that covers her disfigured ear. A famous photograph taken in 1992 appears to show a shadowy figure of a woman fitting Chloe’s description, standing between two of the plantation buildings.
 Ghostly Encounters at the Myrtles
Myrtles Plantation is known for an array of paranormal phenomena, many of which have been experienced by guests staying in its now-operating bed and breakfast. Some of the most notorious hauntings include:
- The Ghosts of the Children: Visitors frequently report the sound of children’s laughter echoing through the house, even when no children are present. Some guests have even seen small handprints appear on mirrors and windows, only to vanish moments later.
- The Grand Piano: The antique grand piano in the front parlor is known to play itself late at night. Guests staying nearby have heard the keys playing softly, despite the piano cover being securely locked in place.
- Unseen Hands: One of the most unnerving phenomena at Myrtles is the feeling of invisible hands grabbing or tugging at people as they walk through the halls. Many guests report being touched by something unseen, leaving them shaken for the rest of their stay.
- The Mirror: Perhaps the most infamous artifact at Myrtles is a large, antique mirror that hangs in the main hallway. Legend has it that the spirits of Sara Woodruff and her two daughters, who were poisoned by Chloe, are trapped within the mirror. Over the years, strange handprints have appeared on the glass, and some claim to have seen ghostly figures peering out from within its reflection.
 The Photographic Evidence
Myrtles Plantation has drawn paranormal researchers and photographers for decades, hoping to capture definitive proof of the supernatural. One of the most famous pieces of evidence is the photograph taken by National Geographic photographer Frances Myers in 1992. In the picture, a semi-transparent figure can be seen standing between the two buildings on the plantation grounds. The figure appears to be wearing a long dress or skirt, and many believe this to be the ghost of Chloe.
In 2000, a TV show dedicated to paranormal investigations conducted an episode at Myrtles, using infrared cameras and sensitive audio equipment. During their investigation, they recorded several unexplained voices and captured footage of orbs of light moving erratically in rooms that were completely still. Some of the voices recorded appeared to call out names, and faint cries were heard, though no one else was in the house at the time.
 Death on the Stairs
One of the most spine-chilling ghost stories associated with Myrtles is the tale of William Winter, an attorney who lived on the plantation in the 1800s. According to local legend, Winter was shot by a stranger on the front porch of the house. Mortally wounded, he staggered back inside and attempted to climb the stairs to reach his wife. He made it to the 17th step before collapsing and dying.
Visitors often claim to hear the sound of heavy footsteps on the staircase late at night, followed by the eerie silence as if someone has collapsed on the steps. Some guests have even reported feeling a sudden coldness on the 17th step, a chill that seems to linger there, as if marking the spot where Winter drew his last breath.
 Is Myrtles Truly Haunted?
Myrtles Plantation continues to operate as a bed and breakfast, drawing in curious visitors eager to experience its haunted history firsthand. Paranormal enthusiasts consider it one of the most haunted locations in America, with many guests leaving the plantation convinced that they’ve encountered something otherworldly. Whether it’s Chloe’s vengeful spirit, the souls trapped in the mirror, or the lingering presence of William Winter, Myrtles seems to exist in a world where the past refuses to stay buried.
 Would You Spend a Night at Myrtles?
The mysteries of Myrtles Plantation remain unsolved. The spirits of its dark history seem to reach out from beyond the grave, offering a chilling reminder of the tragedies that unfolded within its walls. Would you dare spend a night here, with the possibility of encountering the ghost of Chloe, the cries of long-lost children, or the spectral footsteps of William Winter? And if you did, would you look into the haunted mirror at 3 AM?
Let us know in the comments—do you believe in the spirits of Myrtles Plantation? Would you visit, or would you prefer to stay far away from one of America’s most haunted homes?
Arojit Das
Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2023 10:45 am

Good 👍 
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Sachin Saini
Joined: Mon Dec 04, 2023 11:12 am

Amazing work 👏 
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Sachin Saini 
Magic Nation 
Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2024 11:31 am

Too Scary 😧
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