Can Gemini Live Replace Google Assistant? Here’s What You Need to Know!

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Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2023 10:41 am

Are you ready for a voice assistant that feels like it’s having a real conversation with you? Meet Gemini Live! It's more personable than ever, giving you a free-flowing, natural dialogue experience. But here's the real question: can it replace the powerhouse Google Assistant in managing your day-to-day tasks?

Let’s dive in to see where Gemini Live shines and where Google Assistant still reigns supreme.

Image1. Keeping the Trains Running: Google Assistant Rules the Calendar

While Gemini Live is great at organizing your day with suggestions, it falls short when it comes to actually adding items to your Google Calendar or setting reminders through Google Tasks. You know those quick, time-sensitive notifications like dentist appointments or baking timers? Google Assistant has that covered! For Gemini Live users, this limitation is a dealbreaker when it comes to serious scheduling tasks. So, while Gemini Live might be your go-to for brainstorming, Google Assistant keeps the wheels turning on your daily to-do list!

2. Keeping in Touch: Calls, Texts, and Emails—Advantage Google Assistant!

Imagine you’re driving, and you need to quickly send a text or make a call. With Google Assistant, it’s easy. You can send hands-free texts and even draft and send emails using just your voice! Gemini Live, though innovative, doesn’t have these capabilities yet. While it helps refine your thoughts or polish an email draft, you’ll still have to rely on Google Assistant for actually sending them. In the realm of communication, Google Assistant is still the champ.

3. Knowing Where to Go: Google Maps Integration

Love using Google Maps on your smartphone for navigation? While Gemini Live might suggest cool new places to visit, when it comes to entering destinations or pulling up routes, it takes a back seat. Google Assistant seamlessly integrates with Maps to help you navigate, find new spots, and even make reservations. So, when it’s time to hit the road, Google Assistant is the co-pilot you need.

4. Smart Home Control: Still a Work in Progress for Gemini Live

Got a smart home setup with Google Nest or smart lighting? As of now, you’ll need Google Assistant to adjust your thermostat or control your lighting zones. Gemini Live is still evolving in this area, and while it's great at discussing the most efficient ways to heat your home, it can’t yet put those strategies into action. For those who love tinkering with their smart home, Google Assistant remains essential.

5. Music to Your Ears: Google Assistant Leads, But Gemini Live Is Catching Up

Gemini Live can suggest new artists and songs, but if you want to start a playlist on Spotify or YouTube Music, you’ll have to stick with Google Assistant—for now. The good news? Google is working on integrating YouTube Music into Gemini Live by the end of 2024, promising a richer experience. Soon, you’ll be able to ask Gemini Live to create a custom radio station or playlist just for you. Exciting times ahead!

The Final Word: A Promising Future for Gemini Live

So, should you switch to Gemini Live? It’s a fantastic tool for having more conversational, interactive experiences, and it feels fresh. But if you’re deeply ingrained in the Google ecosystem, especially for tasks like calling, texting, or managing your smart home, Google Assistant is still your best bet.

The best part? Gemini Live is rapidly evolving! It’s not perfect yet, but the potential is huge. And who knows—very soon, it could be the one assistant you turn to for everything.


Ready for the future? Try Gemini Live today! While it’s still growing, there’s no better time to experience this breakthrough in AI assistance. Google Assistant may not be going anywhere, but Gemini Live could be the next big leap!
Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2023 10:45 am

Informative, thanks for sharing 👍 
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Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2024 7:58 am

From all the showcase videos, I think Gemini is more advanced than Google assistant, but not efficient.
Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2024 4:56 pm

Gemini can't perform the basic task of google assistant. 
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Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2024 4:46 pm

Informative 😀 
Joined: Sun Apr 21, 2024 12:45 pm

Both are so useful. And think whether Google Assistant and Gemini becomes one single application! Maybe soon they will be changing the Google Assistant as Gemini. Not sure. But maybe. 
Navraj rathore
Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2024 3:27 pm

Thanks for sharing 🔥♥️
Navraj Rathore
Content, Community

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