Magic Marvels EP 3: Multitask with Multi-Window!

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Joined: Thu Feb 15, 2024 12:26 am

ImageHey Explorers! 

Welcome to Episode 3 of Magic Marvels! Your weekly dose of Magic OS, simplified! I hope you've been enjoying this series so far and developing a better relationship with your Honor Smartphone ❤️ 

For Episode 3, we'll be talking about Multi Window Dock.
In short, Multi Window Dock is your go to feature for all the multitasking capabilities your Honor Smartphone possesses. 
Simply Open your settings app and search for the Multi Dock feature and turn on the toggle. We'll now explore what more is on offer here! 

Split Screen: Touch and hold an app in the dock, drag it onto the screen and release. Here's how it looks: 


File Transfer: Transfer your files from one app to the next for easier sharing! 


Mini Window: Swipe from the bottom of your screen and drop the app on the left or right corner of your screen to access Mini Window! Here's how it looks: 

P.S. If there's any process you didn't understand, don't worry as the Mini Window settings menu shows you how to execute these functions through the animations within the menu. 
I hope you guys now understand how Multi Window works and enhance your multitasking capabilities in various scenarios! I forgot one would definitely use this feature once I get my hands on a Honor Smartphone! 

That's it for Episode 3 of Magic Marvels. Until then, keep exploring! 
Joined: Sun Apr 21, 2024 12:45 pm

Multi Windows helps for better multitasking 💥
Sachin Saini
Joined: Mon Dec 04, 2023 11:12 am

I often use multi window. I get a very smooth experience with it 😍
Signing off ✨
Sachin Saini 
Magic Nation 
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