Beyond Megapixels: Uncovering the True Secrets of Superior Photos? - MBM Episode #3

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Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2023 10:57 am

Hey, HonorTech fans. How are you?
Hoping that you guys are doing well

Welcome to yet another episode of Monday Myth Busters, our weekly series where we dive into the exciting world of myths and uncover the truth behind some of the popular beliefs.
Inside the Myth

Cameras with More Megapixels Can Take Better Pictures
The megapixel game is very common in the smartphone industry. Brands always advertise their increasing number of megapixels leading to a belief among consumers that more megapixels automatically mean better image quality. However, this is a very common misconception, which we are gonna bust today.
Debunking in Action
While this is slightly true higher megapixels play a part in determining the quality of the image as it helps us with more details to be captured and the ability to crop photos to a higher extent. However, several other factors such as sensor size, lens quality, image processing capabilities, and lighting conditions play a significant role in overall image quality. Let's have a quick look at them.

Sensor Size - This refers to the actual size of the image sensor in a camera. It is a deciding factor as to how much light the camera can capture hence playing an important role, especially in low light or dynamic range conditions.
Cameras with larger sensors are better compared to those with smaller sensors as they capture more light and detail resulting in a sharper image.

Lens Quality - It plays a crucial role in determining the Resolution, Background blur, Depth of field, Color, tone, and contrast of your photos. A camera with a lower megapixel and superior lens quality can deliver a superior photo compared to a camera with a higher megapixel.
Image Processing - Most modern day smartphones now rely on AI software and image processing algorithms to enhance photos. Features like Night Mode, HDR Mode, Noise reduction, and many more can significantly improve image quality and make a lower megapixel photo a higher-megapixel one.

There are many more factors such as Natural lightning, Human factor, OIS, EIS, etc which have a significant role in determining the image quality.

That’s all for today, I hope you enjoyed it. Do you think the number of megapixels is the most important factor for photo quality? Please share it with me along with your opinions in the comments below.
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Bye Guys
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Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2024 4:56 pm

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Sachin Saini
Joined: Mon Dec 04, 2023 11:12 am

Great work bro 👏 
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Sachin Saini 
Magic Nation 
Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2023 11:22 am

Joined: Tue Dec 12, 2023 2:25 pm

never knew this logic. Thankss
Signing off 🙋‍♂️
Akshat Gulati (@weird_pixel_)
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