Did You Know? Facts #23

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Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2023 11:22 am

Hey Explorers!
Did You Know? 
The First Social Network wasn't Facebook or MySpace—it was a Site called Six Degrees
Launched in 1997. This early platform started the social media trend and changed how we connect online.

1. What Was Six Degrees?
  • Introduction: Six Degrees was created by Andrew Weinreich and launched in 1997. It was named after the idea of “six degrees of separation,” meaning everyone is connected to anyone else through six or fewer people.
  • Purpose: It allowed users to create profiles, list their friends, and browse their friends' connections. These features, common today, were new and groundbreaking back then.
2. Features and Functionality
  • User Profiles: Users could create personal profiles with basic information about themselves. Friend Connections: It let users create a list of friends and see their friends’ connections, similar to how we connect on social networks today.
  • Message Boards: The site had message boards where users could post and discuss different topics.
3. Early Impact and Growth
  • Innovative Concept: Six Degrees had about 3.5 million registered users at its peak. It was innovative for its time and set up many social media features we now take for granted.
  • Community Building: Even in its early form, it helped people build and maintain online relationships, which was a new idea in the late 1990s.
4. Challenges and Decline
  • Technical Limitations: Despite its groundbreaking ideas, Six Degrees struggled with the technology available at the time, including slow internet and simple user interfaces.
  • Closure: The site was sold in 1999 and closed in 2001. The internet wasn’t quite ready for social media's rapid growth, and Six Degrees couldn’t keep up.
5. Legacy and Influence
  • Foundation for Future Networks: Six Degrees set the stage for future social networks by showing how online social connections could work.
  • Inspiration for Others: It inspired later social platforms like Friendster, MySpace, and Facebook, which built on its basic concepts and improved them.
Six Degrees may not be well-known today, but it played a key role as the first social network. It introduced ideas that have become the foundation of modern social media, making it a crucial part of how we connect online now.

Thank You
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Aarya Bhavsar
Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2023 10:57 am

thanks for sharing
Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2023 10:55 am

Thanks for sharing it 😁
Joined: Tue Dec 12, 2023 2:25 pm

Great info, never knew this
Signing off 🙋‍♂️
Akshat Gulati (@weird_pixel_)
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