Unlocking Solutions: How Kidlin’s Law Transforms Mental Health

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Joined: Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:54 am

Hi Explorers,
I am back with another article after doing a lot of research and trying my best to find out what’s best suited for all the members of the community.
Do you know one thing, the month of May is known for something else other than scorching summer, yes, if you are still stuck in summer then we have posted a few buying Guide articles for the Top Air Conditioners that can provide some relief and help you to save some bucks.
Well other than this harsh summer May is known for Mental Health Awareness Month, which is a very crucial topic to discuss and talk actually, and while searching for some inputs on the same I have discovered a beautiful thing to share, thanks to my habit of scrolling Instagram infinitely, I saw a reel there about the ‘’Kidlin’s Law’’ of solving things so easily and I was so amazed to find that I was doing the same previously.Image
What is Kidlin Law...??
Kidlin says ‘’If you write a problem down specifically and clearly, you have solved half of it’’, and somewhere I am a strong believer in this law and this made a difference in my life, I used to write things that made me unstable or keep hurting me, I write it down in my words and I always try to be honest with my pen, no grudges, no hesitation in explaining the things about me, my wrongdoings and how they are impacting everything, and believe me it makes me to feel lite and helps me to attain a sense of realization.
Well in a more detailed manner, I am going to draw the strategy, approach, implementation, Root cause, goal, and how we can implement it to sort out things efficiently.
Break Down the problem into several parts, this way you will be able to magnify things in a better way, you will get a clear picture of the situation around you, and you can be in a more ideal state to solve them.
Another step is figuring out the nature and scope of the problem, how big it is, and how impactful it can be in your life, identification can be the first rescue point.
Root Cause-
Suppose you go to the service center to get your smartphone repaired, so the engineer on the other side will ask you about the issue, the cause of the problem, and how it is hampering your usage??
In the same way, we should go to the root cause of the problem to understand and dimension and degree of the problem, a wise man said identifying the problem will solve most of it.
What and how much you will achieve after solving this problem, and what positive changes it will bring to your life, sometimes we get into problems that are not necessary to be think about, but they occupy so much space in our heads because of these uncertainties.
This may be more helpful in gaining more motivation depending on how significant the problem is.
Develop Solution Ideas-
First, read the breakdown of the problem you have written down previously, and try to brainstorm on the solutions you have by your side and their feasibility, thinking about the solutions that are not in our control is like creating a new problem in an existing problem.
Evaluate and Implement-
Now after you have made the problem and solution statement, analyze the things below points-
1-      The solution which you have drafted, that fits your time-frame
2-      Is it realistic enough to implement?
3-      Are the solutions reliable and effective enough to cater to all your objectives?
4-      Technically it is achievable...??
These are the mechanisms of solving any problem which are derived mostly from Kidlin’s law and my personal experience, I will suggest trying it once, it will be helpful in most of the cases, do share your feedback if this helps you.
Till then keep exploring, Keep unlocking the Xtraa in you.
Till Next time
Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2023 11:22 am

Joined: Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:22 pm

Informative ✨🩵
Sachin Saini
Joined: Mon Dec 04, 2023 11:12 am

Amazing Threads 👏 
Signing off ✨
Sachin Saini 
Magic Nation 
Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2023 10:45 am

Amazing 👍
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