Tips on how to capture stunning architectural photographs using your mobile phone

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Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2024 4:46 pm

Hello Explorers,I hope you’re all having a fantastic time in the Magic Nation community! 

So today I am going to talk about how to capture stunning architectural photographs using your mobile phone . 
Let's start 
Try Different Perspectives:
  • Experiment with unique angles. Instead of the typical straight-on view, consider:
  • Ant’s-Eye View: Stand near the base of a building and look up. Capture what an ant would see, including how much sky you want to include.
  • Bird’s-Eye View: Photograph from a high point, looking down at the architecture
Shoot at Different Times of the Day:
  • The lighting and shadows change throughout the day, affecting the appearance of the building. Wait for the right moment to capture dynamic, three-dimensional shots.
  • Morning and late afternoon often provide soft, warm light that enhances architectural details 
Step Inside the Building:
  • Don’t limit yourself to exterior shots. Explore the building’s interior.
  • Focus on windows: They allow light to filter in, creating interesting silhouettes. Position your subject in front of a window and shoot toward the light. You can adjust brightness during editing if needed.
  • Avoid using flash, as it can flatten images and reduce depth
  • ImageImage
I hope you enjoy this thread! 🤗❤️‍🔥

Your feedback is invaluable, so please share your thoughts in the comments!
Take care of yourselves and your loved ones!
I’ll see you all again soon in the next thread. ❤️
Signing off,
Joined: Sun Apr 21, 2024 12:45 pm

Will try this. Thank you brother for sharing this tips. ✨
Joined: Sat Dec 09, 2023 1:14 pm

It's helpful Ravi! Thanks for sharing!
Sudhanshu Roy
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Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2024 7:19 pm

Nice information brother ✨
Joined: Sat Feb 17, 2024 4:52 pm

incridible tips 
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