Monochromatic Shots from my Lens of Travelling. Ft. HONOR 90

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Joined: Wed Nov 29, 2023 10:23 am


It's been a long time since I had an interaction with anyone if you in the Magic Nation. Sometimes we all need some refreshments from our life and get out from our daily routine system in order to enjoy our life.

I had a similar kind of trip with my family to rediscover joy and myself in this healing process. Throughout this journey, I had encountered different emotions which I tried to capture it through my lens of HONOR 90 and some of them I tried to keep it RAW in order to feel the emotions of that shots. 

We all know that Pictures do tells us a lot of stories even without speaking. So, here I'm sharing some of the shots which i have taken from the Lens pf HONOR 90 in B&W mode so that to i can capture the beauty of it without any filters and colors of it.
First are some shots of Train stations
  • In this scene, the railway tracks are depicting the long life and journey which everyone is living and sometimes we don't know where the tracks are heading to... Just like that our lives we don't know where it'll lead us in the future.
Second shots are some perspective shots
  • The first picture is depicting the journey or the path which the all the human beings are walking on are kind of meting at an extreme point where the extremity kinds of blends with the horizon.
  • The second shots denote to me personally that whenever possible, takes some rest like the train resting on one of the tracks while letting the other tracks go for someone else.
Third shots of roads and railway
  • The first shot denotes the journey of life and unexpected things that are waiting for us at the end bends of that road which will take us to take some unexpected decisions in our life which we can never back off.
  • The second shot denote that we must not take our life in hurry manner and never take it too fast so that we can't keep our trail just like the picture denotes the last coach of the train which is like the trail of this train.
Fourth picture is of nature 
  • Here, both the picture denotes that the life which we are enjoying are the gifts of the mother nature which we all should be thankful for, and we should not waste it and do something meaningful and impactful so that we can make and leave our mark for our future generations to see and follow the same path which will be beneficial for the nature.
Last shot is of my Journey Itself
  • The first shot tells me that the take rests like pit stops. We should enjoy our lives whenever we can with our beloved persons and make the best out of that moment. 
  • Second shot is my personal favorite which tells me that no matter what happens, don't ever forget your path and stay towards the goal in our life.
That's it Guys, It's from my side. I have shared some of my precious life learning with all of you through these beautiful shots which i have taken from the HONOR 90. I hope you'll like the shots and some inspirations behind each of those shots which compelled me to take those shots. I'll come back again with some new things from my side.....

Subhrajyoti Nalui
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